We have 3 standard models of hog feeders
The 6ft X 10ft feeder feeds on 2 sides for a total of 20ft of eating room with 3 ½ tons of capacity.
The 8ft X 8ft feeder feeds on all 4 sides for a total eating room of 32ft with 4 ½ tons of capacity.
The 10ft X 10ft feeder feeds on all 4 sides for a total eating room of 40ft with 7 tons of capacity.
All hog feeders have an interior cone and are recommended for bio-techs. The mangers have feed openings that are adjustable from 0-4” with stainless steel hardware. Grating is installed every 9” to help keep the hogs from rooting the feed out and from climbing in the manger. Lids and rain extensions are available.